
Since March, the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically upended life as we knew it in the United States, and while cases continue to rise across the country and governors mull another potential shutdown, it seems like we're going to be stuck in this surreal, socially-distanced lifestyle for quite some time.

The data visualization team from Visual Capitalist (Iman Ghosh, Melissa Haavisto, Nick Routley and Clayton Wadsworth) took data from a New York Times survey of 511 epidemiologists and infectious disease experts across the United States and Canada and made this color wheel chart of the likely timeline that they think we'll be able to do interpersonal activities again from soonest to latest.

See full-sized image at Visual Capitalist

The activities that medical experts believe will occur soonest include bringing in the mail without precautions, seeing a doctor for a non-urgent appointment and going on vacation overnight within driving distance.

Conversely, not routinely having to wear a mask in public, attending church services and going to a concert/sporting event is expected by the group to take a year or more โ€” and a shocking 6% of the experts think we'll never again be able to hug or shake hands when greeting a friend.

[Read more at Visual Capitalist]

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