Five Kickstarter Projects Aimed At Making Our Lives A Little Better

Five Kickstarter Projects Aimed At Making Our Lives A Little Better
We can't solve any of the major problems facing humanity, but we can buy some sick tech to soothe ourselves.
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As we march to the half-way point of 2024, it's clear that there is no redeeming this miserable year. War is inescapable, massive layoffs happen every other week and we're about to head into election season in the US and a few other countries β€” it's enough to make us hurl. The only way we can feel better is by engaging in a little retail therapy with a few exciting Kickstarter projects.

Below, we selected five of our favorite crowdfunding projects that have met the threshold needed to get made, but still have time on the clock for Johnny-come-latelies like us.

Self-Griding Coffee Maker

If you like the simplicity of a Keurig machine, but dislike the waste and mediocre results, this coffee maker is worth checking out.

This will make a single serving of coffee in a snap, just like with a K-cup, but you can use your own beans instead for a much better result. Better yet, it has a grinder built-in, so you can get the most out of your bitter brown beans.

You can probably finesse more out of your coffee with a traditional set-up, but this is a lovely compromise for a simple cup in the morning.

Cost: $175 and up

Ends: May 23, 2024

Estimated Ship Date: Spring 2025

Biometric Encrypted Drive

Keeping your data secure and private is vitally important, no matter who you are, but memorizing long passwords isn't exactly quick or easy. This portable SSD solves that problem by offering strong encryption that's tied to something only you have access to: your fingerprint.

More interestingly, you can split the drive (in up to five partitions), and each one can get its own unique fingerprint (or two) associated with it. If you want to access your files, slap your index down. If your partner needs theirs, they do the same.

Cost: ~$60 and up

Ends: May 24, 2024

Estimated Ship Date: July 2024

Smartphone Microscope

With magnification up to 200 times that of your standard camera, this portable microscope easily pairs with a smartphone so that you can take gorgeous photos of the tiny details all around you.

What we really like about this is that it's designed to work with your phone's built-in camera app. You won't have to rely on a questionable third-party app that could stop being updated unexpectedly.

Cost: ~$89 and up

Ends: May 30, 2024

Estimated Ship Date: August 2024

Miniature Vacuum Sealer

Oxygen is the enemy of fresh food. The less exposure to the air, the longer it will last. As such, having a vacuum sealer at your disposal will ensure that you're getting the most out of your food.

Not only is this handy in the kitchen, but it's a solid way to preserve leftovers when you're camping or at a family cookout. And, if you use an immersion circulator at home, a vacuum sealer of any kind is a must-have β€” even if you prefer to go with a more traditional model.

Cost: ~$41 and up

Ends: June 5, 2024

Estimated Ship Date: July 2024

Portable MIDI Keyboard

Having the ability to work on your next track from anywhere is an appealing pitch to any musician. This MIDI keyboard is small enough to fit easily in a purse or a large pocket, so you can jam out in between classes, on the train or at the studio.

It connects over Bluetooth or a 3.5mm jack, sports 25 interchangeable keys and plays on battery for up to six hours at a time. For about a hundred bucks, that's hard to beat.

Cost: $99 and up

Ends: June 7 2024

Estimated Ship Date: July 2024

[Image: SummerTones]

Note: All Kickstarter projects carry risk. Even when they're fully funded, delays, cancellations and disappointments are always possible.


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